Thursday, 16 September 2010

Newly elected council

We have elected a new pupil council for this session and have voted for our chairperson, vice chairperson and treasurer.
We have had two meetings this session so far and you can see the minutes by clicking the link on the right of the blog page.
Ellie has chaired her first meeting and all members have had a chance to talk on behalf of their classes. It looks like we have a council with lots of good ideas and enthusiasm!

We welcomed Vesna, a comenius student, who has come all the way from Slovenia to get some school experience in Orkney. She will be spending time in all classrooms throughout her time here.
Keep an eye on our blog for more information and an interview with Vesna.


  1. Hi Glaitness Pupil Council, congratulations all for getting elected. I hope you're going to stand up well for the people who elected you.
    I read a lot of pupil council websites as part of my job (which is basically helping pupil councils to work better) and I must say yours is one of the best I've come across. The fact that you say so clearly what your pupil council is for have polls and a blog is excellent. So I've added your site to our showcase of pupil council websites - I hope that's ok. It's here:
    How do you get other pupils to read what's on the site, vote and comment?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for your positive comments.
    We have a whole school business meeting every Monday morning. Each class has pupil representatives who ask for and collect everyone's views and opinions. These ideas are then discussed at the pupil council meetings which are held every couple of weeks.
